College Near Me in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

High School graduates concerned about the cost and time of going to a traditional four-year educational institution often wonder, is there a college near me in Milwaukee that I can afford or won’t take too much time to complete? The answer is yes! Milwaukee Career College offers accredited accelerated career training programs that 6 months or 2 years to complete. The cost of going to college for 6 months is much less than the cost of going to college for 6 months or 2 years.

Milwaukee Career College (MCC) offers both diplomas and associate degrees. You can train to become a medical assistant, dental assistant, veterinary assistant, veterinary technician, or surgical technician in just a short time. Employers want qualified job candidates with the training necessary to fill a position competently. MCC can give you that training:

  • Veterinary Technician Training – Earn Your Veterinary Technician Degree in less than 2 years
  • Veterinary Assistant Training – Become a Veterinary Assistant in less than 1 year
  • Surgical Tech Training – Earn Your Surgical Technology Associates Degree in less than 2 years
  • Medical Assistant Training – Become A Medical Assistant in about 9 months
  • Dental Assistant Training – Complete your Dental Assistant training in less than a year

Best Reason to Go to MCC: Job Placement

The MCC Career Services department helps MCC students and graduates with valuable job placement services. They will give you job search tips, training on how to prepare a cover letter, resume, how to develop networking skills, and the interviewing process that includes practice with mock interviews. MCC’s Career Services department will help you become confident, qualified candidates ready to start your career. While MCC cannot guarantee employment, Career Services partners with various businesses in the community with Job Placement and will make a 100% effort to secure employment for graduates who have satisfied all the academic and financial requirements. Visit MCC’s testimonial page to learn about the success other MCC graduates have had with MCC’s job placement program.

Take the First Step for College

Talk to an MCC Admissions Advisor today to learn more about MCC’s programs. They can help you understand the admissions process and also help you learn more qualifying for Federal Grants and Financial Aid. MCC has been offering quality career training programs since 2002 and has helped many graduates begin new careers in the dental, medical, and veterinary fields. The admissions department at MCC is ready to hear from you and help you attain goals.

Contact us or call us at 800-645-5157 today or fill out the form on this page.


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