College Near Me in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

High School graduates concerned about the cost and time of going to a traditional four-year educational institution often wonder, is there a college near me in Milwaukee that I can afford or won’t take too much time to complete? The answer is yes! Milwaukee Career College offers accredited accelerated career training programs that 6 months or 2 years to complete. The cost of going to college for 6 months is much less than the cost of going to college for 6 months or 2 years. Milwaukee Career College (MCC) offers both diplomas and associate degrees. You can train to become


Top 5 Benefits of Vocational Training

There are many benefits of vocational training, but the top 5 benefits really make the decision of choosing vocational training over a traditional four-year college an easy choice. Before making the decision of where to get your education, it’s smart to evaluate all your choices.  The biggest difference between a vocational school and a four-year college is that a vocational school offers hands-on skills applicable in a work situation while a traditional 4-year college offers relevant knowledge mixed with elective courses. Both help you become a qualified candidate, but certainly, each offers different benefits. Here are the top 5 benefits


Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update

As the impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) become more widespread, Milwaukee Career College (MCC) has been taking steps to mitigate risks in an effort to protect the health of its students, faculty, and visitors. MCC is closely monitoring the coronavirus and its potential impact on our organization. We are following guidance from the CDC, World Health Organization and local health authorities on the status of the virus in the U.S. to ensure we make informed decisions that are right for our community. We want our MCC family to be healthy and safe. MCC has always taken seriously the cleanliness its location


Trade School Training in Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Get trade school training in Milwaukee Wisconsin. You can choose a career as a medical assistant, dental assistant, veterinary assistant, or veterinary technician in just under two years. Trade School certifications and degrees can make it easier for you to find a job in Wisconsin. Employers are always looking for qualified job candidates. Having a trade school on your resume will show employers that you have the training to do the job. What Is Trade School Training? Trade School training gives people like you the opportunity to learn skills and get certified by an accredited educational institution. Classes and programs


Good Study Habits for Everyone

Learn the importance of good study habits and prevent your grades from sagging. Developing good study habits can help you achieve your life-long goals and dreams, especially if you are a college student.  To develop good study habits, first, you need to figure out what kind of learner are you, a visual learner, an auditory learner, or a kinesthetic learner. Knowing how you learn best is the keystone for successful studying.  Do you remember the most after seeing and reading?  Listening and speaking?  Interactive activities that involve touching and doing?  If you aren’t sure, there are a number of quizzes


2024 Job Outlook – Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Happy 2024, everyone! As you go on to make important decisions about your career path, it’s important to do research, ensuring you make a well-educated decision. One of the best ways to understand whether or not a career will offer future growth is to look at the “job outlook.” Job outlook is the predicted change in employed people over a specific period of time. One of the best places to find information about job outlook is the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), a division of the United States Department of Labor. After looking at the 2024 Job Outlook for dental assistant, medical